Monday, 9 October 2017

Shooting Schedule (1st Draft)

All our filming for our first takes will take place during the October half-term when we have most free time and can take our time with all the shots. Being inside for most of the filming, we can have effective control over the lighting and so time of day doesn't really influence the filming.
Before deciding these dates we have checked with the actors to see what days they are avaliable. Being only a draft, hopefully we won't need to refilm any parts.

Despite being inside for most our shots, we have still decided to check the weather forecasts for out filming locations just incase. Monday and Tuesday will have almost identical conditions in the evening, without rain, so we will not break any continuity and no shots will appear out of place or different. We are filming the outside shots on Saturday 28th as that is when my sister is able to travel home from her university and participate in the filming.

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