Monday, 30 April 2018

Final Farewell

Dear Examiner,

Throughout this two year course I have learned a great deal about media studies. From the theories and conventions on the 'boring' side and actual practical skills I've learned from the process of making my short film.

I have greatly enjoyed this experience, and have enjoyed developing my skills from my first preliminary task in September last year, till now, having finished my final A2 piece.

Next year I hope to land an apprenticeship with the BBC as a Broadcast Operator.

Yours sincerely,

Charlie Davey

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Final Post

Shakespearean - See English translation below.

All My Products Together

This final look at all my products reveals how they all link together. I explained in my evaluation question 2 my in house style and colour scheme that is consistent throughout my 3 products and how they all followed conventions of an experimental short film. Overall the codes and conventions of the experimental short film tie my 3 products together. The colours, fonts, layouts, and presentation of each lends themselves to be linked with the chosen genre that my team and I have worked hard on to keep consistent throughout this course.