The three short films I watched were-
Porcupine - action/thriller - To protect her infant child on New Year's Eve from an impending intruder, a young widow asks the 911 operator permission to shoot.
The Proposal - romcom - A romantic comedy about a couple finding truth, courage and love where they least expect it, underneath their dinner table.
EPIC FAIL - experimental - In a time where post-truth news divides and conservative politics fails to lure in young voters, a extraordinary vote for world peace has dramatic consequences.
There were a couple things I noticed in all of them:
1) They are all 'short'. Obviously, as the name of the genre suggests, all these films were under 10minutes, with one being as short as 5.
2) Other than EPIC FAIL, which is an experimental short film, they are character based. They follow the narratives of a select few characters.
3) The twist. The ending of all three is not anticipated, although it may be foreshadowed, it doesn't follow the general trend of the plot.
4) Small budget. Compared to full-length movies, all these films have much smaller budgets. This is largely because most short film creators and small business or individuals who do not have a massive financial backing.
5) The situation in all the films are real and have the potential to happen, but they are hyperbolic depictions of what could happen in life
Researching the conventions of short films is vital to making a successful film as the conventions are pivotal to the genre of the product, and without them, understanding may not be clear which will lead to the film being unsuccessful.
Stephen Neale |
Furthermore, as media theorist Neale said, genres are meant to be predictable and formulaic. This makes them more successful as it becomes appealing to the audience if they know what to expect, particularly if they have enjoyed other short films. We will be following the conventions of short films. Short films are not like modern movies and are predictablely shocking: they are expected to be unpredicable, which makes them particularly intriguing, and is definatley a convention that we will follow.
Short films don't usually adhere to specific genres like full length films do because as by their very nature, short films are experimental and so our film will not follow any typical genre (ie horror, action).